Hawzah News Agency-Paying rich tributes to Hazrat Imam-e-Hussain (RA) and his companions at Karballah 1400 years ago, chairman Hurriyat (G) Syed Ali Geelani said that this was not just a battle between two forces, but it was a fight between two ideologies.
He said that Imam Hussain (RA) honestly and courageously offended the forces which were trying to convert “Khilafat into Mallokiyat” and this incident glorifies the concrete and unshakable concept of Islam that injustice, tyranny and high headedness, even if done by the most pious Muslims, who are practicing and claim to be the best, is not accepted.
Syed Ali Geelani said that Imam-e-Hussain (RA) didn’t belong to any particular sector group, but was an icon of bravery and justice for whole Ummah, and the path he has shown serves as a beacon light even today for every Muslim, especially those fighting and confronting the aggression of occupation.
Hurriyat (G) Chairman said that he didn’t fight for power, perks or comforts, but for justice and equality, therefore anybody whose religion, economy, culture, honor, life and livelihood are always under threat by dark and dusty clouds of occupation should get inspiration from Imam Hussain (RA).
Geelani said that people in Jammu and Kashmir are fighting for just cause for the last 7 decades and are witnessing Karbala almost every day. The best way to pay tributes to Imam Hussain (RA) is to strengthen our resolve and contribute, whole heartedly and sincerely towards the movement, to get rid of forced Indian armed occupation. He further said that everybody especially the followers of Islam and Imam Hussain (RA), should collectively fight the aggressor, that is the message Karballa and martyrdom of Imam Hussain has in store for us.
Commenting on present uprising, Syed Ali Geelani said that more than 90 people have been killed and economy worth trillions is lost with thousands of injured, but Indian brutality and repression, through their local conduits, seems to have no end. Giving sermons on TV and shedding crocodile tears may keep them in power for time being but their callous and insensitive attitude has eroded and snatched every human trace from them.
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